Facebook adalah sebuah layanan jejaring sosial dan situs web yang diluncurkan pada Februari 2004 yang dioperasikan dan dimiliki oleh Facebook, Inc. Pada Januari 2011, Facebook memiliki lebih dari 600 juta pengguna aktif. Pengguna dapat membuat profil pribadi, menambahkan pengguna lain sebagai teman dan bertukar pesan, termasuk pemberitahuan otomatis ketika mereka memperbarui profilnya. Selain itu, pengguna dapat bergabung dengan grup pengguna yang memiliki tujuan tertentu, diurutkan berdasarkan tempat kerja, sekolah, perguruan tinggi, atau karakteristik lainnya. Nama layanan ini berasal dari nama buku yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa pada tahun akademik pertama oleh administrasi universitas di AS dengan tujuan membantu mahasiswa mengenal satu sama lain. Facebook memungkinkan setiap orang berusia minimal 13 tahun menjadi pengguna terdaftar di situs ini.
Facebook didirikan oleh Mark Zuckerberg bersama teman sekamarnya dan sesama mahasiswa ilmu komputer Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz dan Chris Hughes. Keanggotaan situs web ini awalnya terbatas untuk mahasiswa Harvard saja, kemudian diperluas ke perguruan lain di Boston, Ivy League, dan Universitas Stanford. Situs ini secara perlahan membuka diri kepada mahasiswa di universitas lain sebelum dibuka untuk siswa sekolah menengah atas, dan akhirnya untuk setiap orang yang berusia minimal 13 tahun.
Studi Compete.com bulan Januari 2009 menempatkan Facebook sebagai layanan jejaring sosial paling banyak digunakan menurut pengguna aktif bulanan di seluruh dunia, diikuti oleh MySpace. Entertainment Weekly menempatkannya di daftar "terbaik" akhir dasawarsa dengan komentar, "Bagaimana cara kita menguntit bekas kekasih kita, mengingat ulang tahun rekan kerja kita, mengganggu teman kita, dan memainkan permainan Scrabulous sebelum Facebook diciptakan?" Quantcast memperkirakan Facebook memiliki 135,1 juta pengunjung bulanan di AS pada Oktober 2010. Menurut Social Media Today pada April 2010, diperkirakan bahwa 41,6% penduduk Amerika Serikat memiliki akun Facebook. (baca lebih lengkap di wikipedia>>>)
Versi Jawa:
Facebook is a social networking service and website launched in February 2004, operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. As of January 2012, Facebook has more than 800 million active users. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. Additionally, users may join common-interest user groups, organized by workplace, school or college, or other characteristics, and categorize their friends into lists such as "People From Work" or "Close Friends". The name of the service stems from the colloquial name for the book given to students at the start of the academic year by some university administrations in the United States to help students get to know each other. Facebook allows any users who declare themselves to be at least 13 years old to become registered users of the site.
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The Web site's membership was initially limited by the founders to Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before opening to high school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. However, based on ConsumersReports.org in May 2011, there are 7.5 million children under 13 with accounts, violating the site's terms of service.
A January 2009 Compete.com study ranked Facebook as the most used social networking service by worldwide monthly active users. Entertainment Weekly included the site on its end-of-the-decade "best-of" list, saying, "How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers' birthdays, bug our friends, and play a rousing game of Scrabulous before Facebook?" Quantcast estimates Facebook has 138.9 million monthly unique U.S. visitors in May 2011. According to Social Media Today, in April 2010 an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population had a Facebook account. Nevertheless, Facebook's market growth started to stall in some regions, with the site losing 7 million active users in the United States and Canada in May 2011. Facebook filed for an initial public offering on February 1, 2012. (Continue reading from wikipedia>>>)
Facebook è un social network e il sito web lanciato nel febbraio 2004, che è gestito e di proprietà della Facebook, Inc.. Nel gennaio del 2011, Facebook ha più di 600 milioni di utenti attivi. Gli utenti possono creare profili personali, aggiungere altri utenti come amici e scambiare messaggi, incluse le notifiche automatiche quando aggiornare il proprio profilo. Inoltre, gli utenti possono partecipare a un gruppo di utenti che hanno uno scopo specifico, in ordine di luogo di lavoro, scuola, università, o altre caratteristiche. Il nome del servizio deriva dal nome del libro è data agli studenti nel primo anno accademico dell'università amministrazioni negli Stati Uniti con l'obiettivo di aiutare gli studenti a conoscere l'altro. Facebook consente a chiunque di età compresa tra almeno 13 anni come utente registrato su questo sito.Facebook è stato fondato da Mark Zuckerberg con il suo compagno di stanza e compagni studenti di informatica Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz e Chris Hughes. Adesione è stata inizialmente limitata al sito web per gli studenti di Harvard solo, poi estesa a altre scuole in Boston, Ivy League, e la Stanford University. Questo sito si sta lentamente aprendo a studenti di altre università prima di aprire per gli studenti delle scuole superiori, e, infine, ad ogni persona di età almeno 13 anni.Compete.com studio nel gennaio 2009 ha come servizi di social networking più utilizzati dagli utenti mensili attivi in tutto il mondo, seguito da MySpace. Entertainment Weekly ha messo nella lista dei fine "migliore" del decennio con il commento: "Come possiamo ex-fidanzato ci stalking, ricordando l'anniversario dei nostri colleghi, fastidiosi i nostri amici, e giocare una partita di Scrabulous prima di Facebook è stato creato?" Quantcast stima che Facebook ha avuto 135,1 milioni di visitatori al mese negli Stati Uniti nel mese di ottobre 2010. Secondo il Social Media Oggi nel mese di aprile 2010, ha stimato che il 41,6% degli americani hanno un account Facebook. (Per saperne di più su Wikipedia >>>)
Facebook is a social networking and web site launched in February 2004 that is operated and owned by Facebook, Inc.. On January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. Users can create personal profiles, add other users as friends and exchange messages, including automatic notifications when they update their profile. In addition, users can join a group of users who have a specific purpose, sorted by place of work, school, college, or other characteristics. The service name is derived from the name of the book is given to students in the first academic year by university administrations in the U.S. with the goal of helping students get to know each other. Facebook allows anyone aged at least 13 years as a registered user on this site.Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his roommate and fellow computer science students Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. Membership was initially limited to the web site for Harvard students only, then expanded to other colleges in Boston, Ivy League, and Stanford University. This site is slowly opening up to students at other universities before opening for high school students, and ultimately to every person aged at least 13 years.Compete.com study in January 2009 put up as social networking services most used by monthly active users around the world, followed by MySpace. Entertainment Weekly put it in the list of "best" end of the decade with the comment, "How can we ex-boyfriend stalking us, remembering the anniversary of our colleagues, annoying our friends, and play a game of Scrabulous before Facebook was created?" Quantcast estimates that Facebook had 135.1 million monthly visitors in the U.S. in October 2010. According to Social Media Today in April 2010, estimated that 41.6% of Americans have a Facebook account. (Read more on wikipedia >>>)
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